Seattle Public Schools

School Levies

BTA V Capital Levy

BTA V Capital Levy

Thank you Seattle voters! You approved the Buildings, Technology, 学术/体育资本税V (BTA V)获得近80%的赞成票. 这项资本税将取代将于2022年到期的BTA IV.

BTA V将在2023-2028年的六年内筹集7.83亿美元.

资本税是确保每个学生都有保险箱的主要资金来源, welcoming learning environment. 学区得到有限的州或联邦资金用于改善学校建筑.

2024欧洲杯竞猜依靠选民批准的资本税来资助学校的建设和翻新, safety and security upgrades, building systems improvements, and major maintenance.

Capital levies 为重要的课堂技术和对学生学习的支持提供大部分资金, district technology systems, and technology infrastructure. Report on recent levies.

Three Parts to Levy

B stands for Buildings: 这部分税收包括改善学校建筑的项目. 项目的例子包括屋顶更换, small renovations, safety improvements and upgrades, heating and ventilation improvements, major maintenance, and critical maintenance.

T stands for Technology: Capital levies provide the primary funding source for making strategic investments in technology for learning and teaching in the classroom; delivering services to students, teachers, staff, and families; and improving efficiency in business processes. 项目和服务分为三大类:学生学习和支持, district systems and data, infrastructure, and security

A stands for Academic/Athletics: 这部分税收用于支付学术课程变更所需的修改费用, playground improvements, athletic field improvements and equipment, and art and science equipment. In addition, SPS owns Memorial Stadium, 这项税收还包括投资新看台的资金,这样它就可以继续用于高中体育运动, for graduations, and by the community.

BTA V Projects

Full list of projects by location



科技是当今学校学习的重要工具. SPS在提供西雅图优质教育所需的关键技术解决方案方面处于领先地位. 资本税提供了主要的资金来源,以确保技术能力的存在,以支持学生, educators, and staff.

Technology funding benefits every SPS school and student. 项目和服务分为三大类:

Student Learning and Support

  • 购买学生笔记本电脑和平板电脑,继续1:1分配设备
  • Teacher and classroom computers
  • 在学校提供维修、网络帮助和2024欧洲杯竞猜的技术支持人员
  • Digital learning support
  • 购买教学软件和许可证

District Systems and Data

  • Software and systems development,
  • 经营该地区的商业和金融系统
  • 学习管理系统,如Schoology和Seesaw
  • 学生信息系统,如PowerSchool
  • Hardware and software application licenses
  • 这些系统和数据源的服务和支持人员

Infrastructure and Security

  • 运行SPS数据中心和骨干基础设施(如网络和布线)的运营成本
  • Cybersecurity monitoring systems
  • 服务器软件license、操作和设备维护
  • Internet connectivity
  • Telephone service
  • 负责维护基础设施和安全系统运行的人员

BTA V还包括与技术相关的员工专业发展.

BTA V将资助每所小学的技术.

  • 用于远程和课堂教学的计算机等技术工具
  • 教学技术,如演示站, projection systems, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • 为SPS所有学生提供高质量教育所需的教育技术软件和服务

此外,学校的BTA V项目列表如下.


  • Replace fire alarm system

B.F. Day

  • Make heating system improvements
  • Replace fire alarm system


  • 更换雨水收集系统,并进行其他场地改善
  • 更换运动场并进行相关改进

Bailey Gatzert

  • Make heating system improvements
  • Replace fire alarm system

Beacon Hill

  • Make roof improvements


  • Make improvements to exterior windows

Dearborn Park International

  • Upgrade water distribution system


  • Make improvements to exterior cladding
  • Install new fire suppression system


  • 做好地震安全改进工作

Gatewood Elementary

  • Make improvements to exterior windows
  • Replace fire alarm system

Graham Hill

  • Make roof improvements

Green Lake

  • Make improvements to exterior doors


  • Make improvements to exterior windows

Highland Park

  • 更换运动场并进行相关改进

John Hay

  • Replace fire alarm system

John Muir

  • 构建早教三课堂加法;
  • Replace fire alarm system

John Stanford International

  • Replace fire alarm panel


  • 确认功能,维修和清洁雨水收集系统
  • Seal and stripe asphalt areas


  • Upgrade fire protection system in school
  • Install fire protection system in gym
  • 做好地震安全改进工作
  • 维修和清洁雨水收集系统
  • 更换现有沥青区,更换条形路面


  • Make roof improvements
  • Replace fire alarm


  • Repave parking lot at north of property
  • Repair perimeter sidewalk
  • Upgrade water distribution system


  • Repair perimeter sidewalk


  • Replace fire alarm
  • Install new fire suppression system
  • 安装新的草地运动场、沥青运动道、圆形剧场和学习花园

McDonald International

  • 更换运动场并进行相关改进


  • 做好地震安全改进工作

Queen Anne

  • Make improvements to exterior windows

Rising Star/AAA

  • 更换运动场并进行相关改进
  • Make improvements to exterior cladding
  • Make improvements to exterior windows
  • Replace intercom/clock system

Sand Point

  • Make roof improvements
  • Make improvements to exterior windows

Thurgood Marshall

  • Replace fire alarm system

View Ridge

  • 做好地震安全改进工作
  • Make improvements to electrical system


  • Replace fire alarm system

BTA V将资助每一所K-8学校的技术.

  • 用于远程和课堂教学的计算机等技术工具
  • 教学技术,如演示站, projection systems, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • 为SPS所有学生提供高质量教育所需的教育技术软件和服务

此外,学校的BTA V项目列表如下.


  • Replace water line
  • Install new fire suppression system

Cascade Parent Partnership/North Queen Anne

  • Replace playground and make improvements

Catharine Blaine

  • Make roof improvements
  • Make improvements to exterior doors
  • Make electrical system improvements
  • Repave back parking lot
  • Upgrade intrusion detection system

Louisa Boren STEM

  • Make electrical system improvements
  • Replace intercom/clock system


  • Improve heating system
  • Replace fire alarm system


  • Replace existing fire alarm panel


  • Make roof improvements
  • 升级并可能替换灭火系统

BTA V将资助每所中学的技术.

  • 用于远程和课堂教学的计算机等技术工具
  • 教学技术,如演示站, projection systems, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • 为SPS所有学生提供高质量教育所需的教育技术软件和服务

此外,学校的BTA V项目列表如下.


  • Make roof improvements
  • 确认功能,维修和清洁雨水收集系统
  • Seal and stripe asphalt areas
  • Replace emergency generator
  • 升级附件现有的灭火系统

Jane Addams

  • 做好地震安全改进工作


  • Make improvements to exterior cladding
  • Make improvements to exterior windows


  • 做好地震安全改进工作
  • 升级并可能替换灭火系统

BTA V将资助每所高中的技术.

  • 用于远程和课堂教学的计算机等技术工具
  • 教学技术,如演示站, projection systems, electronic whiteboards; operational support for student and staff computers and technology equipment
  • 为SPS所有学生提供高质量教育所需的教育技术软件和服务

此外,学校的BTA V项目列表如下.

Alan T. Sugiyama

  • 安装合适的幼儿游乐场及设备


  • Replace intercom/clock system
  • Apply acrylic coating to tennis courts

Chief Sealth International

  • 替换上部垒球场现有的合成草皮及替换现有的场地照明(Nino Cantu SWAC)


  • 确认功能,维修和清洁雨水收集系统
  • Seal and stripe asphalt areas
  • Gym: Make heating system improvements, replace fire alarm system, 改善体育馆南边的停车场,重新铺上路面和条纹, improving stormwater infiltration, installing new fence and curb bumpers, replacing lighting; add card key access


  • 100号楼:升级灭火系统, make electrical improvements, and upgrade lighting to high-efficiency LED
  • 200号楼:安装新的灭火系统,进行电气改进


  • 用人造草皮和跑道开发新的运动场

Rainier Beach

  • 取代辅助场地及体育馆现有的人造草皮
  • Repave tennis court
  • Install seating and fencing

West Seattle

  • 对外部包层、外部门和外部窗进行改进
  • 在海华塔球场安装新的击球架

Interagency/Columbia Building

  • Make improvements to exterior doors

Interagency/Roxhill School

  • Replace existing fire alarm panel
  • Upgrade intrusion detection system

John Marshall Interim Site

  • Exterior window improvements,
  • Fire protection in areas without sprinklers,
  • Heating system improvements


  • Make improvements to exterior cladding
  • Make roof improvements
  • 为区域档案安装符合湿度控制的存储暖通空调

Memorial Stadium (common questions are answered on our FAQ page)

  • Invest in new grandstands
  • Upgrade water distribution system
  • Upgrade field lights
  • Replace athletic field synthetic turf

Schmitz Park Interim Site

  • Make improvements to exterior doors
  • Provide new fire suppression system

Van Asselt Interim Site

  • 对1950年代建筑的供暖系统进行改进

Miller, Hiawatha, Jefferson Playfields

  • Shared cost of synthetic turf replacement


Information on Past Capital Levies

Current Levy-Funded Construction